FORTY-ONE MEMBERS & GUESTS attended the meeting and good fellowship was had by all. Minutes & Treasurer’s Report were approved. Several members renewed their dues: DANIEL LUCAS, BETHEL WALL AND CHARLES WELLMAN. We also had several new members join: BETH LUCAS, CLAY MITCHELL [Clay paid dues for TWO YEARS & donated $2 — THANKS, CLAY!!!], JEFF MAYNARD, JANICE MILLER [sorry I forgot to list you last month, Janice!], DENNIS PERRY and TERRI & MIKE WALDECK. WELCOME TO THE CLUB! And THANKS to all you renewing members!
With so many new and returning members, our club is now up to 72 members! So, we have decided to issue name tags to help everyone get to know each other. Just pick them up on your way in, pin them on, and toss them back in the box on your way out the door. Thanks!
Gabe discussed the HAS 2008 conference at Marshall University. Almost 350 beekeepers attended including many of our members. It was a great success and the evaluation sheets showed that many felt it was the best HAS ever. Fr. Joseph said it was great to be able to pick and choose between so many wonderful sessions. Edna Baker said Michael Bush, one of the instructors, was very interested in the queen she captured form her bee tree. Wade, Tom Mullins & Rhonna really made the beeyard shine with those beautiful hives all stenciled with the Thundering Herd buffaloes and We Are Marshall! The rooms were the right size. Marshall gave us great support.
The WV Dept. of Agriculture sent all of its Apiary staff for the entire 3 days. Plus Dep. Comm. Steve Hannah and Dir. Of Marketing Jean Smith attended the Opening Ceremony and read the Governor’s Proclamation of ‘Beekeeper Appreciation Week’. 20 vendors set up tables and many items were sold. 47 different speakers gave over 150 classes. The local news media gave excellent coverage to bees and beekeeping. Otis Baker and others volunteered to help.
Wade talked about the end of the nectar flow — watch out for robbing, close down the size of the entrance. Be quick about removing the honey supers. It’s time to take off your honey supers and treat for mites. The Department will be distributing Apiguard to all registered beekeepers in WV.
Fall requeening — wait until the Fall flow. Sumac, goldenrod, knotweed & aster will be starting in mid-August . Separate your brood chambers with a queen excluder. Come back in a few days and see which box has eggs. Take off the other box and move it to your new location. Add a queen and make sure she gets released after 3 days.
It’s not too late to put out the hornet trap. It also traps yellow jackets, wax moths and gnats. 2 cups water, 2 cups sugar, 1/2 cup white vinegar and a banana peel [Otis says add a 1/2 hot dog or lunch meat]. Hang in a large pop bottle with a hole ion the shoulder the size of a quarter.
Everyone then had a bowl of Austin’s local Honey Ice Cream and it was DELICIOUS!!!
The next meeting will be Monday, September 8th at 7 pm at the Lavalette United Methodist Church. This is our annual Honey Harvest Festival. PLEASE bring some of your honey to taste, and some biscuits if you can. Gabe will discuss Fall Management. BEE SURE to make plans to attend.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
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